The REKKI command-line

REKKI has a dedicated Platform Team in charge of building a robust foundation that can be leveraged by the Tech & Product teams. Part of this foundation is the Developer Experience. To that end, we are developping an in-house CLI that allows the engineers to easily interact with our stack.


This CLI is a companion used by REKKI engineers to improve their day-to-day workflow. It takes care of everything from installing the required system dependencies to providing an efficient and easy-to-use hot-reloading mecanism.

Table of Contents

Install & Update

To download the latest release and set up your system:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash

To keep your system up to date after the first install:

rekki init

General Commands

rekki clone

Clone a REKKI repository into a new directory.

Clone clones the remote repository. It is possible to only provide the repository name, in which case it will clone from the REKKI GitHub organization. It creates the remote-tracking branches for the master branch only.


rekki clone [options] <repository> [directory]


# Clone the repository into ./go
rekki clone go

# Clone the repository into /tmp/go-tmp
rekki clone go /tmp/go-tmp

# Clone the repository into /tmp/rekki-go
rekki clone /tmp/golang-go

rekki docs

Print a complete documentation for the CLI.

Generates a complete documentation for this command-line, including documentation for all the commands and all the topics. Output will be printed on stdout and will be Markdown by default. It is possible to output HTML by supplying the --html flag. It is also possible to serve the HTML documentation to be consumed from your web browser with --serve.


rekki docs [options]


    --html          produce html instead of markdown
-p, --port uint16   port to listen on when serving doc (default 4242)
    --serve         serve HTML documentation


# Print markdown documentation on the standard output
rekki docs

# Print HTML documentation on the standard output
rekki docs --html

# Serve HTML documentation via an http server (http://localhost:4242)
rekki docs --serve

# Serve HTML documentation via an http server (http://localhost:9090)
rekki docs --serve -p 9090

rekki flare

Send a debug trace to the #rekki-cli-flares Slack channel.

It is being used by the Platform team to investigate a bug you might be facing. This is automatically done whenever an error or panic occurs.


rekki flare [-- args...]


# Send a flare
rekki flare

# Send a flare with some additional context
rekki flare -- I am trying to deploy my project but it fails. Can you help?

rekki help

Help about any command or topic.

Get more information about any command or topic in the CLI. Execute rekki help without arguments to see all the available commands and topics.


rekki help [command|topic]


# main help page
rekki help

# help for the run command
rekki help run

# help for the options topic
rekki help options

rekki init

Initialize the ~/.rekki directory.

The initialization is composed of the following steps:

  1. update the CLI
  2. install the Xcode command line tools (macOS only)
  3. load your SSH key
  4. check that the SSH key can be used to log in a GitHub account; and make sure your AWS credentials are valid
  5. generate the kubernetes configuration
  6. generate the ephemeral ssh keys
  7. fetch the latest version of
  8. install the system dependencies with the proper versions
  9. install the go dependencies with the proper versions
  10. alias rekki to rk

This command is idempotent. You can, and should, run it as often as you need.


rekki init [options]

aliased as rekki update, rekki upgrade, rekki innit


    --hostname string   hostname to download updates (default "")
    --no-banner         true to disable the REKKI banner
    --no-self-update    true to disable the CLI self update
    --pat string        when a github personal token is given HTTPS connection will be used
    --tasks strings     run only given tasks
    --version string    specific commit to install instead of the latest release


# Initialize or update your machine
rekki init

# Initialize or update your machine, but skip the CLI self update
rekki init --no-self-update

rekki shellenv

Print export statements.

These export statements have to be imported in your shell environment for this CLI to work properly.


rekki shellenv


    --restore   true to print the code to restore rekki-cli


# Add this to your ~/.zprofile to integrate with your shell:
eval "$("$HOME/.rekki/bin/rekki" shellenv)"

rekki version

Print the version.

Print the git sha1 of the commit used to build this rekki-cli, followed by a newline.


rekki version


# Print the rekki-cli version
rekki version

rekki whoami

Output the identities you are logged with.

Check AWS and GitHub and print the accounts your are logged with on stdout.


rekki whoami


# Print your identities
rekki whoami

Services/Jobs Commands

rekki build

Build and push the service or job using docker.

Build the docker image for the current REKKI service or job.

This command will attempt to build the docker image for the current REKKI service or job and then push it to the ECR repository.

In order for a build to happen your current directory must:

Once the build is complete and the image is pushed, it can be deployed to the cluster with the ‘deploy’ command.

This command will only build images targeting linux/amd64.


rekki build [options]


    --no-push   don't push the built image to the ECR repository


# Build and push hulk
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki build

# Build hulk and deploy it to the live envrionment
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki build && rekki deploy -nlive

# Build alfred but don't push it to the ECR repository
cd alfred && rekki build --no-push

rekki delete

Delete a service or job.

Delete a service or job by uninstalling the corresponding helm release.


rekki delete [options] [resource]


    --mine   uninstall a personalised helm chart


# Delete hulk on feat
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki delete

# Delete hulk on live
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki delete -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki delete -nlive hulk

rekki deploy

Deploy the service or job.

Deploy the current REKKI service or job into a cluster.

First it will send the request to Sauron (our internal builder service) to build the docker image and publish it to our AWS ECR Docker repository.

In order for a build to happen your current directory must:

When Sauron is finished building and pushing to ECR, it will take care of creating a new Helm release into the cluster.


rekki deploy [options]


    --allow-dirty              allow to deploy with a dirty git state
    --build-only               performs all steps up to sauron build and no further. Exclusive with 'local'
    --dry-run                  performs all steps up to deployment and then prints the config as yaml, this is a functional Helm Values file
    --force                    force the helm deploy
    --force-live-branch        force deployment to live from a non-master branch
    --local                    skip remote building before deploying. Exclusive with 'build-only'
    --mine                     deploy a personalised helm chart prefixing a user's github account name on everything other than external-secret
-o, --optimisation-level int   the optimisation level to use when building the docker image (default 2)
    --pat string               when a github personal token is given HTTPS connection will be used
    --sauron-url string        the url of the sauron service (default "")
    --stream                   stream docker build output to stderr (default true)
    --suspend                  set to instruct Flux that it should suspend management of this application
    --version string           git commit to be deployed (default to using the current git head)


# Deploy the hulk service on the feat environment
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki deploy

# Deploy the hulk service on the live environment
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki deploy -nlive

# Deploy a non-go application
cd alfred && rekki deploy

# Deploy a custom version of the hulk service on the live environment
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki deploy -nlive --version=a8287fcf155f8ed70808d260d9ac8d05491372cf

rekki diff

Display diff between local and deployed code.

Diff uses the current git head code, and compares it with the remote code deployed for the service or job.


rekki diff [options]


# Diff hulk on feat
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki diff

# Diff hulk on live
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki diff -nlive

rekki env

Print the environment variables for a service or job.

The environment variables are fetched from AWS Secrets Manager.


rekki env [options] [resource]


# Print the environment variables for the wasabi service on feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki env

# Print the environment variables for the hulk service on live
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki env -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki env -nlive hulk

rekki history

Show deployments history for a service or job.

List all the deployed Helm releases for a service or job.


rekki history [options] [resource]


# Print the history for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki history

# Print the history for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki history -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki history -nlive wasabi

rekki logs

Fetch logs for a service or job.

Contact the kubernetes cluster to fetch logs for the given service or job.


rekki logs [options] [resource]


-f, --follow   specify if the logs should be streamed


# Get logs for wasabi on feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki logs

# Get logs for wasabi on live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki logs -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki logs -nlive wasabi

rekki new

Creates a new application definition in the current directory.

Use this to create a new application definition, the created application will be a minimal wireframe for you to build on.

You can expect it to make the following file structure application/ entrypoint-file (main.go,, index.js) Dockerfile rekki.toml .dockerignore


rekki new [options]


    --name string   the name of your new application


# Create a new application interactively
cd go/cmd && rekki new

rekki open

Open the current service.

Open the current service in a web browser.


rekki open [options] [resource]


# Open wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki open

# Open wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki open -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki open -nlive wasabi

rekki pods

List all the pods for a service or job.

Query the cluster to fetch all the pods for the service or job.


rekki pods [options] [resource]


# List all the pods for the wasabi service
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki pods

# List all the pods for the wasabi service on live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki pods -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki pods -nlive wasabi

rekki status

Displays the status of a service or job.

Query k8s and GitHub to fetch the status of the service or job.


rekki status [options] [resource]


-o, --output string   Output format. One of: json|yaml. (default "json") (default "json")


# Satus of the wasabi service on feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki status

# Status of the wasabi service on live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki status -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki status -nlive wasabi

rekki report

Runs reports to expose information about various aspects of the system.

Contains some reporting tools that are useful for debugging and monitoring.

Available Reports: helm-release-age bytes-memory-usage appinfo


rekki report <report>


# Run a specific report
rekki report helm-release-age

rekki restart

Restart the deployments for a service.

Sequentially restart all the pods for all the deployments of the service.


rekki restart [options] [resource]


    --mine   restart your personalised helm chart


# Restart wasabi on feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki restart

# Restart wasabi on live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki restart -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki restart -nlive wasabi

rekki rollback

Rollback a service or job to a specific release.

Rollback a service or job deployment to the specific helm release.


rekki rollback [options] [resource]


# Rollback hulk on feat
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki rollback

# Rollback hulk on live
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki rollback -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki rollback -nlive hulk

rekki run

Run the service or job for development.

This command is used to run a service or job locally. This takes care of:

This command will try to infer the correct command and arguments when starting the service. If your need differs from what’s been inferred, you can easily override. See the examples.

If not specified in the -t flags, random local ports will be chosen when additional resources are added to be tunnelled. This behavior diverges from what you would observe in rekki tunnel as the goal here is to allow you to run several instances of rekki run in parallel without having to worry about port collision. See the examples on how you can force a specific port to be used.

Note that tunnels to services will automatically populate the _SERVICE_HOST and _SERVICE_PORT environment variables.


rekki run [options] [-- cmd args...]


    --as string            specify which resource the command should be run as
    --clear                clear screen before executing command
-e, --env strings          set environment variables
    --no-default-tunnels   disable the default tunnels to the database and redis
-t, --tunnel strings       set additional resources for which tunnel must be created
    --watch                watch for changes and autoreload service or job


# Start the hulk service with the feat environment
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki run

# Start the wasabi service with the live environment
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run -nlive

# Define custom environment variables
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run -e LOG_LEVEL=info

# Define additional resources to be tunnelled
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run -t svc/hulk

# Define additional resources to be tunnelled on a specific local port
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run -t 5423:db/live -t 6379:redis/live

# The name fallbacks to be the namespace if not specified for database and redis (default namespace is feat)
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run -t 5423:db -t 6379:redis

# Start a service with a custom command and arguments
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run -- go run . --admin=true

# Start a service, autoreload and clear screen every time it restarts
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki run --watch --clear

# Start a feat service, and tunnel to both a local service on port 9090 and a live service
cd go/cmd/hulk && rekki run -t marketplace-everything@local:9090 -t blackrock-search-grpc@live

# Run a go script with the shared live secret
cd go && rekki run --as=shared@live ./scripts/generate-model.go

rekki tune

Updates application configuration files to fit it to our platform.

We have a couple of conventions that we follow when building applications. This command will update your application to fit these conventions.

For example, your application can and should specify a memory limit. If it doesn’t, this command will be able to suggest a value for you based on the memory usage of your application in the kubernetes cluster and update rekki.toml with this value.


rekki tune [options]


    --only strings   Only run a subset of the tune commands: limits (default [limits])
    --toml string    Path to a rekki.toml file


# Tune the application in the current directory (hulk)
cd go/cmd/hulk; rekki tune; git push; rekki deploy

# Run a subset of the tune commands
cd go/cmd/hulk; rekki tune --only=limits

rekki aws:secrets:open

Open AWS Secrets Manager in the default web browser.

Open the interface to manage services and jobs secrets in the default web browser.


rekki aws:secrets:open [options] [resource]


# Open the AWS Secrets for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki aws:secrets

# Open the AWS Secrets for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki aws:secrets -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki aws:secrets -nlive wasabi

rekki aws:secrets:list

List secrets stored in AWS secrets manager.

Lists secrets that are stored in AWS secrets manager


rekki aws:secrets:list [options]


-o, --output string   set output type, one of: name, json, table (default "name")


# List the AWS Secrets for feat
rekki aws:secrets:list

# List the AWS Secrets for live
rekki aws:secrets:list -nlive

# List the AWS Secrets for everything in kubernetes
rekki aws:secrets:list -nall

# Format the output as JSON:
rekki aws:secrets:list -ojson

rekki aws:secrets:edit

Edit a secret stored in AWS secrets manager.

Edit a secret that’s stored in AWS secrets manager Secrets can be directly named or inferred from the namespace flag and pwd

A shortcut exists for editing the shared secret for a namespace, see the example


rekki aws:secrets:edit [options]


# Edit a secret based on its name
rekki aws:secrets:edit $secret-name

# Edit a secret based on its arn
rekki aws:secrets:edit $arn

# Edit the secret for Hulk in feat
cd go/cmd/hulk; rekki aws:secrets:edit

# Edit the secret for Hulk in live
cd go/cmd/hulk; rekki aws:secrets:edit -nlive

# Edit the shared secret for feat
rekki aws:secrets:edit shared

# Or for live
rekki aws:secrets:edit shared -nlive

rekki dd:apm

Open Datadog APM in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog APM interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:apm [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog APM for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:apm

# Open the Datadog APM for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:apm -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:apm -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:containers

Open Datadog Containers in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Containers interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:containers [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Containers for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:containers

# Open the Datadog Containers for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:containers -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:containers -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:errors

Open Datadog Error Tracking in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Error Tracking interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:errors [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Error Tracking for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:errors

# Open the Datadog Error Tracking for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:errors -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:errors -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:logs

Open Datadog Logs in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Logs interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:logs [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Logs for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:logs

# Open the Datadog Logs for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:logs -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:logs -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:metrics

Open Datadog Metrics in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Metrics interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:metrics [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Metrics for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:metrics

# Open the Datadog Metrics for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:metrics -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:metrics -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:pods

Open Datadog Pods in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Pods interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:pods [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Pods for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:pods

# Open the Datadog Pods for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:pods -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:pods -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:ps

Open Datadog Processes in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Processes interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:ps [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Processes for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:ps

# Open the Datadog Processes for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:ps -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:ps -nlive wasabi

rekki dd:traces

Open Datadog Traces in the default web browser.

Open the Datadog Traces interface for the service or job.


rekki dd:traces [options] [resource]


# Open the Datadog Traces for wasabi in feat
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:traces

# Open the Datadog Traces for wasabi in live
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki dd:traces -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki dd:traces -nlive hulk

rekki job:run

Create a batch job from a CronJob.

Create a single shot batch job from a deployed cronjob.


rekki job:run [options] [resource]


    --kubeconfig string   set a custom kubeconfig to use for this command (default "/home/github/.rekki/.kube/config")


# Create a job from timetoorder in feat
cd go/cmd/timetoorder && rekki job:run

# Create a job from timetoorder in feat in live
cd go/cmd/timetoorder && rekki job:run -nlive

# Same but can be executed anywhere on your system
rekki job:run -nlive timetoorder

rekki job:list

List jobs by their name and kind.

Produces a json doc enumerating all of the jobs in the namespace by kind (batch/cron)


rekki job:list [options] [resource]


    --kubeconfig string   set a custom kubeconfig to use for this command (default "/home/github/.rekki/.kube/config")


# List jobs in this namespace
rekki job:list

# List jobs in another namespace
rekki job:list -nlive

Cluster Commands

rekki repl

Start a REPL to a remote resource.

Start a read–eval–print loop with a remote resource (only postgres is supported at the moment).


rekki repl [options] <resource>


# repl the feat database
rekki repl db

# repl the live database
rekki repl db/live

rekki ssh

Open an interactive SSH session to a remote resource.

Using either a tunnel through our bastion instance or kubectl exec, an interactive session is being started on a remote resource.


rekki ssh [options] <resource>


# ssh to the bastion instance
rekki ssh bastion

# ssh to a hulk service pod on feat
rekki ssh svc/hulk

# ssh to a hulk service pod on live
rekki ssh svc/hulk -nlive

rekki tunnel

Create SSH tunnels to remote resources.

Create a tunnel between your local machine and a remote resource. This can be used to access database and redis instances, but also kubernetes pods, services, replica sets and deployments.

If no ports are specified, then the default protocol ports will be used:


rekki tunnel [options] <resources...>


# Create a tunnel to the live database
rekki tunnel -nlive db

# Create a tunnel to the live redis instance
rekki tunnel -nlive redis

# Create tunnels to the live database and hulk service
rekki tunnel -nlive db svc/hulk

# Create a tunnel to the feat hulk service
rekki tunnel svc/hulk

# Create a tunnel to the live hulk service on local port 9090
rekki tunnel -nlive 9090:svc/hulk

# Create a tunnel to a specific database
rekki tunnel db/feat-xxxxx

Buyer App Commands

rekki codepush:release

Release the tip of buyer-app master branch as a codepush.

This command runs the release-codepush.yml workflow in the buyer-app repo


rekki codepush:release


rekki codepush:release

rekki codepush:promote

Promotes a the latest codepush release to live.

This command triggers the promote-codepush.yml workflow in the buyer-app repo


rekki codepush:promote


rekki codepush:promote

rekki binary:release

Releases a new binary version to beta/testflight.

This command triggers the binary-release.yml workflow in the buyer-app repo


rekki binary:release [options]


# Create a binary deployment and associated git tags/changelog
# You'll be prompted for a new git tag and changelog
rekki binary:release

Advanced Commands

rekki bsdiff

Generate a patch between two files.

Generate a patch using a Go implementation of


rekki bsdiff <oldfile> <newfile> <patchfile>


# Generate patch between /tmp/a and /tmp/b into /tmp/patch
rekki bsdiff /tmp/a /tmp/b /tmp/patch

rekki bspatch

Apply a patch between two files.

Apply a patch using a Go implementation of


rekki bspatch <oldfile> <newfile> <patchfile>


# Apply patch /tmp/patch to /tmp/a and obtain /tmp/b
rekki bsdiff /tmp/a /tmp/b /tmp/patch

rekki hash

Hash the given files.

Produce a SHA-256 hash with the same implementation as the one used to generate go.sum hashes. It supports relative and absolute paths. It is deterministic independently of the inputs order and duplicate inputs. If a directory is given, it will be recursively expanded to all the files it contains. Symbolic links are followed.


rekki hash <files...>


# Generate a hash of your ~/.zshrc
rekki hash ~/.zshrc

# Generate a single hash for both the nvim and tmux conf files
rekki hash ~/.config/nvim/init.lua ~/.tmux.conf

# Same, the order doesn't matter
rekki hash ~/.tmux.conf ~/.config/nvim/init.lua

# Same, paths are cleaned
rekki hash ~/.tmux.conf ~/.config/nvim/../nvim/init.lua

rekki infer

Infer the current service or job.

Run the inference process used by the service or job commands.


rekki infer [options] [resource]


# Infer for wasabi
cd go/cmd/wasabi && rekki infer

# Infer for hulk from anywhere on the system
rekki infer -nlive hulk


Application Configuration

Some values have defaults or are required depending on Kind/Environment and other things not immediately obvious. In order to confirm that your rekki.toml file is working you can run rekki deploy --dry-run which will output your config with all defaults and updates in place.

Name Type For Kinds Usage
dockerContextPath string * The relative path from rekki.toml to the location for the docker build context
kind string * The kind of the application (one of: service, job)
name string * The name of the application
owner string * The team that owns this application (one of: platform cse data suppliers buyers marketing)
schedule string job The schedule for the job, must be a cron schedule
backoffLimit uint * Configures the backoffLimit for jobs
cpu string * The CPU request in millicores
cpuLimit string * The CPU limit in millicores
disableWait bool * Disables waiting for the service or job to be ready after deployment, alerts may not be coherent if this is set to true
extraLabels map[string]interface * Extra labels that are attached to k8s objects
memory string * The Memory request in Mebibytes
memoryLimit string * The Memory limit in Mebibytes
nodeSelector map[string]string * Direct mapping to kubernetes nodeSelector
run appconfig.RunConfig * Configures the rekki run command
secretName string *
serviceAccount appconfig.ServiceAccount *
tcpPort uint * For TCP services, exposes the specified port to kubernetes with protocol TCP
tolerations []map[string]string * Direct mapping to kubernetes tolerations
notifyStart bool job Indicates to the job that it should notify slack that it started
notifySuccess bool job Indicates to the job that it should notify slack that it succeeded
authAdmin bool service Adds authz (oauth2-proxy) to the /admin request path
authApi bool service Adds authz (berserk) to the /api request path
authRoot bool service Adds authz (oauth2-proxy) to the / request path
hostNetwork bool service Enables host networking for this application
limitBurstMultiplier uint service Sets the nginx burst multipler for rate limiting
limitRps uint service If set >0 then nginx rate limiting is enabled on all ingresses for this service
livenessProbeInitDelay uint service
livenessProbePath string service For liveness and readiness see kubernetes docs
livenessProbePeriodScan uint service
livenessProbeTimeout uint service
maxSurge uint service Sets maxSurge on the deployment
maxUnavailable uint service Sets maxUnavailable on the deployment
port uint service Port for http traffic
public bool service Exposes the service’s port to the internet
publicHostname string service
publicHostnames []string service
readinessProbeInitDelay uint service
readinessProbePath string service
readinessProbePeriodScan uint service
readinessProbeTimeout uint service
replicaCount uint service Replicas desired on spot instances
replicaCountOnDemand uint service For services that must never be down, ever. Runs on On Demand instances. Has no effect on feat
restart string service Include a job with the application that does restarts to the specified cron schedule

Automatically Generated from: rekki-cli/pkg/appconfig/toml.go

Feedbacks & Issues

You can get in touch with the Platform Team in the #platform-public channel for any feedback, issue or suggestion that you might have.

Options & Environment

The following options can be passed to any command:

    --auto-approve           accept defaults for all prompts
-C, --chdir string           directory to change to prior to command invocation
-c, --cluster string         the cluster you want to interact with (default "eu-west-2")
-h, --help                   print the help
-i, --identity-file string   an SSH private key used for public key authentication
-n, --namespace string       the kubernetes namespace for this command (default "feat")
    --no-color               force color output to be disabled

Additionally, the following environment variables are supported:

Key Value
DEBUG set to "true" to enable debug information on stderr
NO_COLOR set to any value to disable color output
REKKI_CLI_NO_COLOR set to any value to disable color output
REKKI_CLI_NO_REPORTING set to any value to disable slack error reporting
REKKI_CLI_NO_VERSION_CHECK set to any value to disable the remote version check
REKKI_CLI_STACKTRACE set to any value to enable stacktraces

Options take precedence when they conflict with environment variables.


A resource represents the concept of a remote resource available in the cluster or infrastructure. It is in various commands accross the CLI.

The full syntax for a resource is:


The syntax is actually quite permissive, when the values are omitted then the defaults are as follow:

The different kinds are:

Special case for bastion, database and redis: the 3 of them can be used as names (even though they are technically kinds). That means you can do the following: rk tunnel db. The proper name will be inferred based on the namespace. This is especially useful for the feat database or the redis instances, where the names are hard to remember or generated dynamically.

Resources are used in different locations. Here is a non-exhaustive list of valid examples:

Services & Jobs

Services are long running processes that handle HTTP requests.

Jobs are short running processes that perform computing tasks.